Inventory ID: 20C-MA02
Ball Mill Slurry Storage Tank with Agitator
Manufacturer: UNKNOWN
Location: North America
Inventory ID: 20C-MA03
Slurry Storage Tank with MixPro 86GTH -100-25 Agitator
Manufacturer: UNKNOWN
Location: North America
Inventory ID: 20C-MA06a
NORTH STAR 7.5 HP Agitator
Manufacturer: NORTH STAR
Location: North America
Inventory ID: 20C-MA06b
NORTH STAR 7.5 HP Agitator
Manufacturer: NORTH STAR
Location: North America
Inventory ID: 20C-MA10
Storage Tank with 10 HP Agitator
Manufacturer: UNKNOWN
Location: North America
Inventory ID: 20C-MA12
30' x 35' Froth Thickener Tank
Manufacturer: UNKNOWN
Location: North America
Inventory ID: 20C-MA13
2 Units - 1,500 Gallon Mixing Tanks with 300 RPM Agitators
Manufacturer: UNKNOWN
Location: North America